Prostate Massage
Success Stories - 2025

prostate massage success stories

In these prostate massage success stories
you will learn how thousands of other men have conquered their sexual and urinary problems with prostate massage.

This is a page I am very excited to share with you!

It features prostate massage success stories from some of my readers just like you.

These are snippets from letters and emails from men who have suffered from all sorts of prostate problems. Men who have often suffered for 10 or more years and after using some correct prostate massage, are now rid of these problems. Feeling great again.

Obviously these are letters and emails from those who have been here before and have come back with their good news!

I hope you too will return in the near future with your own prostate massage success story and share it with us.

".....I think that without the benefit of internal massage to my gland, my prostatitis might have killed me."

                                                                 Charles - Tulsa, Oklahoma

Success Stories!   April 1, 2021  "...MOST USEFUL information I have every gotten anywhere."

Dear William,

I would like to tell your readers that your website has been the #1 BEST and MOST USEFUL information I have every gotten anywhere. I am like a new man!

Thank You. And God Bless You!

Irwin, San Diego, CA

Success Stories!   March 11, 2021  My Prostate Pain is Gone

Dear William,

I'm only 36 years old. After 3 horrible years of prostate pain that no medications seemed to help, I found your website. I started doing the internal massage and the exercise. That first massage hurt. Even though I don't think I was doing it hard at all. I felt kind of exhausted after. It was weird. But the next morning, I had less pain. So I tried it again. After 3 days, only massaging about 5 or six minutes each time, I was feeling about 50% better. I couldn't believe it. It was too sore to try on the 4th day. So I rested. And, I waited a couple more days to try again. The next morning I was even better. After 3 months of massaging about twice a week for just those few minutes each day, my pain was gone. Gone. Unbelievable. After 3 years of torture. Thank you so much. You're the best!

Mel, Scotch Plains, NJ

Success Stories!   December 5, 2020   Prostatitis Pain Was Ruining My Life!

Prostatitis pain was ruining my life! I was becoming afraid to even have sex anymore because after I did I'd be in pain for the next three days. Since reading all your information and putting it to use, my pain has diminished to the point that I usually don't even notice I have any. I can not thank you enough.

Walter - New York, USA

Success Stories! Provided Me With the Relief I have Been Seeking!

After enduring prostatitis for 3 years, your site has provided the relief I was seeking. I tried the sitz bath method immediately after finding your site and experienced instant relief! I've since been doing the Primary Massage and your Prostate Massage #2, along with The Miracle Exercise as detailed on your site and now barely feel any discomfort.

Your site is a life-saver! Before I found your site, I felt miserable from the pain, but now after barely 3 weeks the difference is like night and day... thank you so much for making this website available!!!!

Mario Ciano - Seoul, Korea

Success Stories! Letter from a RN (Registerd Nurse)

I am a reg. nurse (r.n.) and have been working for a urologist for 12 years . being trained to insert catheters, massage prostates to get specimens, and other practices pertaining to the male anatomy. I am quite knowledgeable about the male body. About 2 years ago my husband, who is 45 years old, started to get enlargement. in the past when my husband wanted sex and I was on my menstrual period I would simply give him a prostate massage to cool him down and relieve him. Now since he is getting a swollen one I regularly give him a complete massage and what I mean is completely milk him dry. I will preform this procedure about once a week and it has really helped the swelling go down.

Carol - Little Rock, Arkansas

Success Stories! BPH Relief!

Hi William,

I have BPH... I was up usually 4 or sometimes 5 times each night to relieve myself... My regime included some simple prostate massage and supplements for the past 10 months... now I'm up usually just once each night!... I sleep 5-6 hours straight... I feel so much more refreshed each morning.... What a blessing...

H. Mutavich W. Palm Beach, Fla.

Success Stories! Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Cured!

Before I have a semi erectile dysfunction, semi because I can sometimes get an erection (about half of the time). I then learn about these massage techniques, and I started doing it every other day. After a few weeks, I got cured from my erectile dysfunction! These techniques, as you teach them, are very effective...

Ralph - Phillipines

Success Stories! From A Professional Therapist:

Hello William,

I am a professional prostate massage therapist who has been practicing for over 9 years helping gentlemen who have prostate issues. Their problems range from no problems, just curiosity, to severe problems. It is very rewarding to hear from my customers shortly after their sessions telling me how relieved they are that they have greater function and less pain...

Just remember, just because this gland is tucked away doesn't mean it doesn't need attention. I have worked on gentlemen everyday for years and believe me, the benefits are huge.

I Highly recommend this site and the information it contains!!

Diane - Houston, Texas

Success Stories! Prostatitis Relief!!

Dear William,

Thank you for your information. It is plain and simple to understand...

I used to have long chronic bouts with recurring prostatitis. It made me grouchy and irritable all the time. Plus, I was always thinking there was something terribly wrong with me. I'd go to the doctors prepared for the worst and they'd always tell me I was OK. Pain killers never really did much good. But, I don't use the prescription ones anyway.

Since I stared using these prostate massages and silver water, my bouts are far less frequent and much much shorter in duration... I usually only get it (prostatitis) when I stop doing the massages for a long period of time.

Thank you for the great information.

Sincerely, Millard O. - Miami, Fla.

At last! Myths Busted

I am really impressed with the information on this prostate health site.lot of myths busted....know what the reality is....Go through the whole site.

Santhosh - Bangalore

Success Stories! The Easiest and Most Inexpensive Treatments!

I came to this website by mistake and not knowing that I would find the solution to my 12 year prostate problem and Mr. William I give great thanks to you for helping me with the easiest and most inexpensive prostate treatments that honestly work and may god bless you and as for me I feel great!

Moe - South Africa

Success Stories! Excellent!

Hi, Thanks for this website on prostate massage. It is simply excellent !

Neal A. - Palo Alto,CA

Success Stories! Your Website Got Me Back On Track

I just came across your website "prostate massage and health" and wanted to say WOW! What a great job well done! The information was so helpful... Wow what can I tell ya. I am only 25. I really thought I had ED but after reading all of the information on your website I think its just that I had not been taken care of my body as well as I should have....

....Your website has got me back on track...

Again thank you so much for all this information, I love your website!


Success Stories! It Was A Lifesaver

...... thanks so much for this informative site - for me, it was a lifesaver and part of divine intervention to help me avoid a prostate biopsy!

Richard Newsing - Orlando, Folrida

William: These Massages Have Made Our Sex Life So Much Better

It took awhile as I think my wife thought I was trying to just add prostate massage to our sex life but she finally decided to assist me and what a difference!!

I feel so much better and yes these techniques have made our sex life so much better so to be able to improve my prostate health and our sex life at the same time has been truly amazing!

Greg - Charlotte NC

Success Stories! A Much More Pleasant Sexual Life

Recently diagnosed with a slightly enlarged prostate I came to your site to see what could be done and found more information than I ever dreamed.

I never knew a proper diet could help so much with proper prostate function and I found your information on the silver water extremely interesting and looked into that even further and have found that Dr. Gordon Pederson has been given a patent for his silver products that have also recently been FDA approved!

That is amazing! A proper diet and correct prostate massage techniques along with the use of the silver have me on my way to a much more pleasant sexual life.

Thanks so much, Lew

Success Stories! From Hungary

Everybody says there is problem with this gland. Well I realized why it started happening in this century. Because we are all sitting on it! So easy. No bacterial infection. Just physical strain! It is not designed to sit on it! So TRUE! Try an external prostate massage every day after office work. All symptoms will go away.

Patrik Laszlo - Hungary

After 10 years I Have Finally Found Relief

I am so glad I stumbled on this website!! After 10 years of suffering from intense prostate pain, intermittently, I have finally found relief with these prostate massages and I am almost cured!! It has resulted in a dramatic improvement of my mood and emotional well-being as well!!!

Jason C. - Montreal, Canada

"Thank you William, you're The Best!"

I have been all over the net and this the best site about real relief for prostate problems thus far!

Tony B. - Minneapolis, MN

Success Stories! Bent Penis Straightened

I found the "bent penis" page on your website here. I have always had a slight curvature, and I have had past partners make fun of me to other people...(no longer with that person)...however have always wanted a Straight Arrow Howie... and I recently tried the 'Traction' has already lengthened in just 4 weeks...but I must say the curve is still I am patient and feel that there will be a may be that I end up at 8" and still have a the curve as I'm at 7.5 inches we'll see...I'm quietly confident that this type of therapy can resolve my life long bent penis stated I am already at 7.5 by 7 in circumfrence...just want it totally straight now... Who would have thought I'd find this great and important information on a prostate massage and health website? I'll report back in the next month with some photos...BTW my wife has stated that my member reaches the top now...first time for that one!

J. Smith

-- You can find even more prostate massage success stories here.

--  I've also posted a very special prostate massage Success Story by a 69 year old man named Charles. He's diabetic, has two stents and a pacemaker. If you have any doubts at all about the effectiveness correct prostate massage can have, you MUST read his story!

I hope these stories will inspire you and help you achieve your prostate health goals!

Be Well.....

~ William

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Don't let "The Nay Sayers" steal your success

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