Natural Prostate Health

is it possible at any age?

natural prostate health at any age

"How can I achieve Natural Prostate Health, and feel really good again?" This is a frequently asked question.

"Who really wants to take all kinds of medications and pain relievers and erectile dysfunction drugs anyway?

And, still be in pain, have trouble peeing, be impotent,
and feel generally terrible?"

None of us want to feel that way. Young or old. And, we all want to function normally. Or, at least comfortably. With good natural prostate health.

And, most of us can.

But, millions of men suffer from all kinds of uncomfortable prostatic problems. In fact, we are led to believe that this is normal. Or, just way life is as we age.

We begin to expect sexual problems. That's nonsense! But it seems true to most of us because most men wind up with some kind of sexual dysfunction and problems here in mid or later life.

That's probably why you're reading this now!

The reality is: excellent natural prostate health is what every man should have.

What Exactly is Natural Prostate Health?

understanding natural prostate health

Well, natural prostate health simply means: "A healthy male gland that functions properly until you die of old age."

One that functions painlessly and does not swell up and give you problems peeing. A gland that you are never really concerned about or even think about.

Like the thymus gland. Who really thinks about that one? Have you ever heard of anyone who complained about their thymus gland? The same should be true of all our other glands.

How Is Natural Prostate Health Achieved?

We used to be hunters and gatherers who spent most of the day (or all of the day and night) out of doors in the fresh air.

We were physically active most of the day. We ate natural health building foods that were rich in all the nutrients. And we drank lots of pure clean water.

We slept when we were tired. Ate when we were hungry. Had sex when we felt like it and without pressure to perform.

We had no food additives, environmental pollution, or drugs poisoning our bodies. AND, our male gland worked perfectly, and painlessly until we eventually died. That's what real natural prostate health is!

How Modern Life
Causes Most Prostatic Issues
and what you can do to reverse the problems

However, we just don't live like that any more.

Most of us probably wouldn't want to give up our modern conveniences.

And, we don't have to
in order to achieve an excellent physical condition.

To return to good, normal, natural prostate health we just have to give our bodies the attention they need each day. And it's really easy to do this. When you just know how. I'm going to be telling you what it takes in just a moment.

Prostatic problems? Well, it's very much like caring for a wife. Stop paying attention to her and mistreat her enough: She'll make your life hell for you and then leave you. Your own body will do the exact same thing.

However: It's usually easy to help your body return to normal health if you slowly return to healthful habits. It just takes some time.


natural prostate health and evolution

Our bodies (and our minds and spirits) suffer from this modern way of life. Not because it is necessarily bad, but, because modern life doesn't give our bodies what they need to be well, strong, and happy!

"So, to have good health,
we have to pay attention to things now
that our ancestors never had to."

After hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, we have only been living this "modern" unnatural way for about 150 years.

The human body can adapt to many things. Just not that quickly.

It's kind of like using a Ferrari to pull a plow. It will get all crapped up pretty fast. And it won't work right. It was never made to be used that way.

Same with our bodies. We need to give them proper use and maintenance if they are going to function correctly. It's very simple. We need movement. Good circulation. Proper fuel. Proper rest and proper maintenance.

Sedentary Lives
Nutritional Abuse
can be the cause of most physical distress

With our sedentary jobs, our nutritional and physical abuses, our bodies usually run poorly and develop major problems.

These days, once a man reaches middle age, natural prostate health is rare. This is usually indicated by some type of pain and/or malfunction.

Add to that all the stresses we now have, environmental pollutions, food additives, and drugs we consume: Is it any wonder that we suffer so much physically? And mentally?

It's not just our current sexual malfunctions and problems, but all the diseases that are rampant today. Most of these diseases were unknown 200 years ago. Even 100 years ago! There is no mystery about where they come from. They come from modern living.

To make things worse, instead of correcting what we do, we try to take drugs to make everything OK... That will never happen!

What Can We Do?

"Natural prostate health
comes from living as close as we can to a natural life."

It's not that difficult.

No, we don't have to go live in the wild in a tent to be healthy all over. There's nothing wrong with, or unhealthy about, having a nice home, a nice car, a TV, iPhones, nice clothes, etc.... But we need to clean up our acts. And it's really not that difficult to do.

What we do need is:

  • Wholesome Natural Foods
  • Pure Water
  • Fresh Air and Exercise
  • Adequate Sleep and Rest
  • Sexual Moderation
  • Daily Stress Release

If we all changed our lives this way, 95% of doctors would be out of work and looking for new careers. It's true. And a whole lot more men would have the natural prostate health they so desire!

If you study the civilizations that lived this way, doctors were rarely needed. And, outside of a plague, disease was not common.

Creating Natural Prostate Health

Because we live as we do these days, our male gland usually just plain doesn't get enough blood circulation or adequate nutrition for excellent natural prostate health. And our sexual glands get poisoned on top of that.

You can reverse this. The closer you get to implementing the healthy guidelines above, the better you're going to feel. Physically and mentally. It really doesn't matter what you are suffering from.

Those healthy practices bring general improvement to a human being no matter what he is suffering from. And they are the road back to natural prostate health!

You Don't Have To Make
Sudden Major Changes

You don't have to make major changes across the board all at once.

In fact, doing that is usually a bad idea. It could send you body into shock. Upset you terribly. And, sabotage your entire effort.

Try changing just a little bit at a time.

One small change to the things you know are good for you every week or two. That's all. Just a little at a time. Even if all you do is give up one can of soda the first week. Or, one smoke. Or, have one health snack instead of some piece of junk food. That will put you on your way!...

Add some correct prostate massage to that, and you will make progress about 400% faster.

Why Massage?

What does massage have to do with natural prostate health?

Well, a lot! A whole lot!

It's not always so easy to get the blood sufficiently moving in your precious male gland, to achieve maximum wellness these days. Mostly because we sit too much.

That's one of the most harmful things we do!

Sitting too long at one time cuts the circulation to our gland. Our gland begins to collect poisons and suffocate. It starves for adequate nutrition and oxygen. Pain is your bodies way of telling you this is happening. A swelling gland is another.

This is why adding correct prostate massage to your new health program can work seeming miracles! Often with no other lifestyle changes.

What Correct Massaging Does

"Correct massaging
will help your body to heal and take care of itself.
In a way that nothing else can."

Massaging our male gland often seems to be an almost magical practice when applied correctly.

But, it's really just a practical, easy, efficient way to help compensate for our modern life style. And all the extended sitting we do each day.

Correct techniques bring more blood to your gland. They restore circulation. This brings more oxygen and nutrients to the entire area. The two things that too much sitting cuts off from it.

And, the techniques help release stored toxins so they can be flushed out. An over accumulation of toxins in this gland are the main cause of prostatic cancer.

You Must Remember: The human body is self healing. No medication or potion ever cured anything. They simply assist the body to do it's functions. OR: They suppress the symptoms so you don't know that you're decaying and falling apart.

So why not give your body the best help you can?

A healthier lifestyle combined with correct prostate massage is the most effective way to regain good natural prostate health. These things help enable your body to heal itself like nothing else can! And they do this with NO SIDE EFFECTS! This is how you achieve natural prostate health.

Complete Natural Prostate Health
at any age

There are countless cases where cancer, arthritis, heart disease, all the things we are taught to fear most, have all been made to vanish when the body is returned to a truly natural environment and way of living.

And, that is the same way natural prostate health is regained and maintained.

No, it doesn't mean you won't ever feel bad again. You still may get a flare up now and again. We are human.

But, for the most part:

"Most every man can feel better and achieve remarkably improved prostate health and well being
99% of the time."

Even when it seems impossible, there are endless cases where person after person after person recover from every horrible and terminal illness.

This is also true for most men with sexual health problems who then took care of them correctly.

Natural prostate health comes from living as close as possible to the way we originally did. Add a little regular correct massaging to greatly enhance your efforts, and see what a difference it can make for you! And, see how incredibly good you can feel again!

natural prostate health
natural prostate health and prostatitis
natural prostate health and BPH
natural prostate health and erectile dysfunction
natural prostate health #2

Be Well.....

~ William

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