What are enlarged prostate symptoms?
It is not difficult to recognize them when you have this problem.
But, they can be caused by different things. You will find the causes are almost always:
- Prostatitis
- BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)
- Infection
Since an infection usually causes symptoms similar to prostatitis, let's look at the symptoms for prostatitis and BPH. And, the answers to each problem.
This gland is actually a gland surrounded by muscle tissue.
It creates the fluid of the semen (the liquid that your penis ejaculates during sex). And, it's surrounding muscle squeezes the semen out during orgasm.
It is located right below your bladder. It surrounds the urethra (the tube that carries urine from your bladder out through the tip of your penis).
When it swells, or grows larger, it presses in on the urethra. This narrows the urethra and makes the urine flow more slowly and sometimes with difficulty. In extreme cases it can cut the flow all together.
Enlargement starts in most men around the age of 40 and can be quite unnoticeable.
In men over 60 this enlargement is probably the most common sexual health problem.
There are usually only 3 causes:
1) Prostatitis
2) BPH (benign prostatic hypertrophy)
3) Infection
The symptoms can be very similar. But, prostatitis usually comes and
goes. Your urine stream may change from easy flow, to slow flow, to easy
flow. Non painful flow, to painful, to non painful, and fluctuate back
and forth.
Prostatitis is usually caused by an infection or toxicity. Sexually transmitted disease (STDs) accounts for only about 12% of prostatitis infections.
Prostatitis often returns frequently or becomes chronic if you do not keep your gland clean and nourished. The best way to do that is with regular prostate massage. With BPH the flow gradually just becomes slower and slower. It is usually not painful.
Enlarged Prostate Symptoms for
Prostatitis symptoms can occur anytime after puberty and can include the following:
Additional enlarged prostate symptoms that may be associated with prostatitis include:
Acute or chronic prostatitis may include only one or a large number of these. Or, you may just experience pain in the area with no other enlarged prostate symptoms.
Enlarged Prostate Symptoms For
- BPH -
BPH usually starts after the age of 50. It can include:
At its worst, BPH can lead to:
- A weak bladder - Backflow of urine causing bladder or kidney infections - Complete block in the flow of urine - Kidney Failure
Some Medications Can Make BPH Symptoms Worse
So, talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any medicines such as:
- Over-the-counter cold and cough medicines (especially antihistamines)
- Tranquilizers
- Antidepressants
- Blood pressure medicine
But, alarmingly, operations for BPH are still one of the most common surgeries for American men! Beware!!!
There is a major basic difference in enlarged prostate symptoms for BPH and Prostatitis:
The ones for BPH usually do not cause pain in itself. The associated pain is usually from the difficulty of urinating. Or, in advanced stages, from pressure or infection in the bladder from blocked urine. But, between urination, BPH usually is unnoticed.
Enlarged prostate symptoms for Prostatitis are due to an infection, inflammation, or the actual swelling accompanying these things. They are usually accompanied by pain.
Prostate cancer, also, (except in advanced cases) usually is NOT accompanied by pain or even much enlargement. are due to an infection, inflammation, or the actual swelling. They are usually accompanied by pain in the prostate area.
Cancer in this gland, also, (except in advanced cases) usually is NOT accompanied by pain or even much enlargement.
Drugs never will. Never. They are sometimes useful for an STD (sexually transmitted disease) infection. But, are useless and often harmful for a gland that is already overloaded with toxins.
If you want to learn how tens of thousands of men have permanently gotten rid of their enlarged prostate symptoms, read these pages:
Whether you are a young man or an older man, in those 4 links you'll find the proven Natural remedies that kept tens of thousands of men from needless drugs, surgeries, debilitation, and pain.
Having a healthy pain free gland that is sexually charged and free of enlarged prostate symptoms and problems is much easier and safer than you might think! Or, than you have been told.
Be Well.....
~ William
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